Vanja & Robert

When I saw Vanja and Rob, I felt I had known them for years. A kind, smiling, nice couple. At that time she drank wine, he had a beer…Since that very first moment, I felt like being with friends who I had known ever before. From the very beginning, they had a very clear idea of a style that they liked so we just basically harmonized the whole concept of the wedding decoration and later the details, which are but enormously important. We planned the wedding together three quarters of a year in advance. We saw each other more times. Maybe also therefore, I found the whole wedding just amazing, already from the first moment when I met Robert on the wedding day in front of the Pachta Palace: beaming, calm, very elegant and…gallant. I really appreciate that our friendship has lasted till today, even though Vanja and Rob live in Canada.

Rob was worried from the beginning about the number of flowers during the ceremony. But he gave me free rein and I must admit – this is a dream of every florist – to show what’s in me, how I’ll manage to meet all requirements as for the exterior as well as the interior and combine them with my own suggestions. Rob was very patient all the time and he always came to see how the work was growing. He was immensely pleased when he saw the result. Of course, we were all waiting for the bride’s reaction. Vanja was absolutely charming and her eyes immediately filled with tears. She was deeply moved… and happy. To see this happiness is the biggest present a florist can ever get. She held her bouquet by her side the whole time. I was only too delighted that even the wedding guests kept coming to thank me. I was very happy.

The headbands for the little bridesmaids had fewer roses taking into consideration the weight of the flowers on the little heads. The headbands were greatly admired and the girls didn’t want to take them off at all.

If for the exterior we used mainly gentle, tender elements, for the interior the requirements were contrary – to enhance the luxury of the place. For this reason, we used gold vases that were additionally decorated. The gold colour united the whole space. There were the above-mentioned vases, gold dust and even name tags written in gold.

It was an unforgettable wedding full of emotions, love and happiness, which we can also feel from the reference letter from the bride.

It will be my great pleasure to prepare floral decorations for you. In a meeting, we will specify all details, requirements and, what is most important, your dreams.

With love, Vlasta Černá

My dearest, loveliest Vlasta,

First, I want to thank you (both me and Rob!!) from the very bottom of our hearts for your never ending positivity, encouragement, and love. Our day was simply spectacular – EVERYBODY at our wedding was telling us how it felt like a magical fairytale, and saying how stunning the decorations were. I kept thinking of you and how perfectly you brought our ideas to life. You are just amazing!

It was truly an honour working with you, Vlasta, and I have to say I am so sad that the wedding is now over and we cannot continue sharing ideas!! However, I would love to stay in touch with you over time, even when we are back in Canada. I don’t only consider you our wedding florist, I consider you a friend. Thank you for everything, and your words of support and love especially.

Again, thank you for everything and please stay in touch.

With all our love

Vanja & Robert